February 17, 2025

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Citizen Card: Find out how to apply

Citizen Card: Find out how to apply

To facilitate access to social and labor benefits, the Citizen Card is issued by Federal Savings Bank It can be used in all payment channels authorized by the institution.

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Who can apply for a citizen card?

Those with labor or social benefits available for withdrawal, such as the Severance Compensation Fund (FGTS), Abono Salarial PIS/Pasep, Seguro-Desemprego and Auxílio Brasil, and who do not have a Caixa account, are eligible to apply for a Citizen Card.

If a citizen has an individual Caixa account, such as a checking or savings account, the benefit can be added directly to the account, so there is no need to apply for a citizen card.

For the issuance of the card, the condition is that there are certain advantages available to the applicant.

How is the citizen card issued?

Anyone who has any social or labor benefits issued for a raffle and does not yet have a Citizen Card, can request it free of charge by calling the Caixa Citizens Customer Service Center 0800 726 0207 or at any Caixa branch.

What are the documents required for application?

To request the issuance of a citizen card, the following documents must be submitted:

  • address proof;
  • Social Registration Number (NIS), Worker Registration Number (NIT) or PIS/PASEP;
  • RG or CNH.

Citizen password

With the Citizen Password, the Citizen Card can be activated to withdraw labor and social benefits operated by Caixa, through branches, Caixa Aqui Correspondents, lottery stores, Caixa service points or self-service stations.

To create a citizen’s password in the lottery, it is necessary to contact the Caixa ao Cidadão service center at 0800 726 0207 and go to the lottery with a citizen’s card and an official document with a photo.

If you go to the Caixa branch, it is not necessary to present the card, you only need to submit the official document with the photo and the above-mentioned documents.

How do you consult the benefits of work?

To refer to benefit extracts and balances, such as PIS and FGTS shares or income, or to see if you are entitled to a salary allowance or unemployment insurance, just enter square site Or download the app (available for Android And the iOS).

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Photo: rafapress / Shutterstock.com