February 16, 2025

The Catholic Transcript

Complete News World

Bahia reports 366 new cases of Covid-19 and 16 more deaths from the disease

In Bahia, in the past 24 hours, 366 cases of COVID-19 (+0.03% growth rate) and 508 (+0.04%) cases were registered. The epidemiological bulletin also recorded this Sunday (22) 16 deaths. Although the deaths occurred on different dates, they are confirmed and recorded today. Of the 1,214,690 confirmed cases since the beginning of the epidemic, 1,184,906 have already been considered recovered, 3,508 are active cases and 26,276 confirmed deaths.

NS Epidemiological Bulletin It also counts 1,483,023 canceled cases and 230,561 under investigation. These data represent the official notifications collected by the Directorate of Epidemiological Surveillance of Health in Bahia (Divep-BA), together with the municipal surveillance and the databases of the Ministry of Health until 5 pm this Sunday. In Bahia, 51,733 health professionals have been confirmed to have the Covid-19 virus. To access the full newsletter, click here or access to business intelligence.


With 7,873,206 vaccinated against Coronavirus (Covid-19) with the first dose, of which 3,336,314 also received the second application, and another 253,516 vaccinated with a single dose of the vaccination, as of 4pm on Sunday, Bahia has made Already vaccinating 73.29% of Bahia’s population of 18 years or older (estimated at 11,087169) with at least the first or single dose of the vaccine. The Bahia State Department of Health (Sesab) makes daily contacts with the teams in each municipality in order to measure the amount of doses applied and provides detailed information on the panel. https://bi.saude.ba.gov.br/vacinacao/.