July 26, 2024

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Corinthians sued in court along with Michel Macedo with millionaire compensation request

Corinthians sued in court along with Michel Macedo with millionaire compensation request

Corinth will have to defend itself against another lawsuit. Right-back Michel Macedo, who played just 30 games between October 2018 and December 2021, has filed a lawsuit against the club in the Labor Court. The first session of the 90th session is scheduled to take place in Fara de São Paulo in early August.

The My dream He has access to this process. The player, who received three salary increases during the period associated with Corinthians, made several requests of a labor nature. His lawyers gave the case an initial value of 3648846.42 Brazilian Real – see below for details of Michel Macedo’s requests.

All orders, which will be detailed below, were reflected in the bonus of Michel Macedo in Corinthians. According to the lawsuit, the athlete received the following salaries at Parque São Jorge:

  • 60 thousand Brazilian riyals / month – October/2018 to December/2018;
  • 200 thousand Brazilian riyals / month – January/2019 to December 2019;
  • 250 thousand Brazilian riyals / month – January / 2020 to December / 2020;
  • 300 thousand Brazilian riyals / month – From January 2021 to December 2021.

In the petition, his attorney said that “… throughout the contract period, the claimant club failed to comply with the bonus installments contained in the employment contracts, and extemporarily paid the leave owed to the claimant, however, failed to make some FGTS deposit. In this way, the business claim aims to allow the amounts actually owed by the defendant to the plaintiff.”

Michel Macedo’s lawyer also ensures that Corinthians cut the player’s salary by 25% in the months of May, June and July 2020 (the height of the pandemic), “without any formalization of a collective or even individual document, in complete contempt for the rules in place and the formalities that allowed workers to reduce their wages.”

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In time: On the above-mentioned occasion, The salaries of all players contracted with the club have been reduced by this percentage. The truth was reported by Corinth at that time in an official memorandum.

Check Michel Macedo’s claims in the Labor Court

Taken together, Michel Macedo’s orders reach the prime number of 3648846.42 BRL:

  • Thirteenth salary for the year 2020 – 25,0000.00 Brazilian Real;
  • December / 2021 salary balance (ten days) – 100,000.00 Brazilian Real;
  • Holiday / 2021 + 1/3 (21 days) – 280 thousand Brazilian reals;
  • Vacation / 2021 compensation + 1/3 (9 days) – 120 thousand Brazilian reais;
  • Check Discount, IRPF and INSS – 83333.33 Brazilian Real;
  • 50% of vacation 2020 – 125,000 Brazilian reais;
  • Salary balance for the month of May / 2020 – 62500.00 BRL**;
  • June / 2020 salary balance – 62500.00 BRL**;
  • Salary balance for the month of July / 2020 – 62500.00 BRL**;
  • Double Vacation Pay for 2019 – 266666.67 Brazilian Real;
  • 2020 Vacation Pay Double – 333333.33 Brazilian Real;
  • 2021 pay double – 400 thousand Brazilian reais;
  • FGTS deposit (plus interest and correction) – 828,013.09 Brazilian Real;
  • The fine stipulated in Article 477 of the Penal Code – 300 thousand Brazilian reais;
  • Article 467 of the Penal Code, fine – 25,0000.00 Brazilian Real;
  • Expert fee – 5% and 15% on the value;
  • Total – 3648846.42 BRL

** Amount refers to the 25% reduction in salary during the height of the epidemic

See more on: Michel Macedo, Corinthians Board of Directors, Processes of Corinthians and former Corinthians players.