February 8, 2025

The Catholic Transcript

Complete News World

FAFEN-PR retirees left without health insurance, FUP requests response from Petrobras |  FUP

FAFEN-PR retirees left without health insurance, FUP requests response from Petrobras | FUP

Workers who have dedicated their lives to the Petrobras system are left without health insurance. The fair use policy requires urgent responses from the company’s management

[Da Comunicação da FUP]

Retired workers at Araucaria Nitrogenados-FAFEN-PR were surprised by another shocking news: They will be without health insurance starting June 1. After it was shut down by Bolsonaro’s government in 2020, the company laid off its workers and went out of business, leaving a huge void in the region and forcing Brazil into greater external dependence in the fertilizer sector.

The news fell like a bucket of ice water on retirees, mostly people over 60 who had worked hard at the plant and Petrobras. This measure, in addition to being completely immoral, seriously harms the rights historically expropriated by the working class.

“People in this situation are the workers who have devoted their entire lives to the Petrobras system, who have worked their whole lives in industrial areas with highly toxic and high-risk products and will be left without health insurance. “The company cannot evade its responsibility and must respond,” Castellano said, adding, “We are relying on the company’s common sense to try and find a solution, even a palliative one, until we look for a final solution to protect these workers.”

Petrobras said it would call an urgent meeting with Ansa’s board of directors and workers’ representative to discuss the matter. FUP requested that this meeting take place as soon as possible given the urgency and seriousness of the problem, and informed the company that it would take all reasonable measures to protect the right to health and life of workers.

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