February 17, 2025

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Urinating while standing or sitting: which is better for men?

Urinating while standing or sitting: which is better for men?

If you’re a guy, you’ve probably heard at some point in your life that sitting and peeing was “girl stuff.” In most Western cultures, men They grow up being taught that they must urinate standing up, and the arrangement of urinals in bathrooms usually contributes to this hypothesis.

But in terms of health, which of the two options is best for you? Learn the advantages and disadvantages of each of these practices and how they may affect your bladder health in the future!

create habits

(Fonte: Shutterstock)(Fonte: Shutterstock)

Although peeing while standing has been a trend for centuries and centuries, things seem to have changed little by little in recent generations. A 2007 survey found that 42 percent of men surveyed assumed they should urinate while sitting most of the time.

Given that smartphones are becoming more and more important in our daily lives, it is very likely that this number has increased with more and more people using their cell phones while sitting on the phone. the toilet. For some, sitting down when going to the bathroom is just a habit created for the times when that person is feeling very tired.

However, for those in a hurry, urinating upright provides greater grace and can reduce the time you spend on the toilet. But it’s worth noting that each of these “technologies” have different long-term effects on your bladder, so we need to pay close attention.

muscle relaxation

(Fonte: Shutterstock)(Fonte: Shutterstock)

In general, the maximum capacity of the male bladder is between 300 and 600 ml. If the organ is working properly, we usually go to the bathroom when the bladder is up to two-thirds full. For this, we need a neural control system, which tells you when you need to urinate, and stay healthy while retaining your needs until the right time.

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When we are in a comfortable position, the sphincter and bladder area relax, causing the bladder to contract and empty. For these reasons, forcing urine is not helpful. However, men with urinary tract problems tend to have more difficulty performing this procedure and could benefit from having it done piss sitting.

But for what reason? This mode has a more favorable aerodynamic profile, which means that urine is able to leave the body more easily. There are also theories that this position contributes to the prevention of cases of prostate cancer, but there are still no studies to support this claim.

environmental hygiene

(Fonte: Shutterstock)(Fonte: Shutterstock)

In perfectly healthy men, there is no significant difference between urinating while sitting or standing. However, it can win them another argument: personal hygiene. When we think about it, sitting urination is a practice men can adopt to make bathrooms cleaner.

Thus, many avoid missing a view of the toilet, creating puddles on the floor or leaving urine residue on the toilet lid. In many establishments across Europe, many merchants have already put up signs so customers can only use the toilet while sitting and not standing.