Health professional with syringe withdraws dose of Covid-19 vaccine
The federal government has liberalized a temporary measure (MP) allowing private companies to purchase vaccines against Covid-19 from manufacturers. The text ends their obligation to donate 50% of acquired immunizations to the Unified Health System (SUS). The destination for dosing can be private clinics and staff immunization.
A lawmaker signed by President Jair Bolsonaro repealed a law from March 2021 that made private sector purchases conditional on donations and banned commercial use
. At the time, immunization was in its infancy in the country, and limited to a few priority groups, due to a shortage of vaccines. The text is already in effect.
According to the government, the Special vaccination against covid-19
It will not prevent the Ministry of Health from getting more doses. The volume has not yet specified what the immunization campaigns will be like. According to the interlocutors heard by GLOBO, the trend is to make doses available to priority groups, similar to what is happening with regard to flu
The licensing of the labs comes after the expiration of the Public Health Emergency of National Importance (ESPEN), at the end of May. Private clinics have already started applying AstraZeneca immunomodulators, with an average price of R$350.
qualification courses
Another law passed by Bolsonaro creates the National Voluntary Civil Service Program. Young people between the ages of 18 and 29, people over 50 who have not had formal employment for at least 24 months and people with disabilities will be able to participate.
Participation includes qualifying courses carried out by Sistema S (Senai, Senac, Senar, Senat, Sescoop or Sebrae) with activities of public interest not carried out by public officials. Duration should be up to 8 hours per day and 22 hours per week.
The reward will be through scholarships, in the amount of minimum hourly wages, which will not count as income within the Individual Register of Social Programs of the Federal Government (CadÚnico). It can also be accumulated with Continuing Benefit (BPC), Auxílio Brasil, Death Pension and Accident Assistance.
The text does not mention the CTPS signature and employment benefits. According to the government, the goal is to rehabilitate the population affected by the pandemic to return to the labor market. The law also provides for the Open Doors Award, which is intended for countries distinguished in the implementation of the program.
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