July 27, 2024

The Catholic Transcript

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Covid vaccination: 93 million people have completed the vaccination schedule and are fully immunized;  147.3 million took the first dose |  Vaccines

Covid vaccination: 93 million people have completed the vaccination schedule and are fully immunized; 147.3 million took the first dose | Vaccines

More than 93 million Brazilians have taken the necessary doses against Covid and are fully immunized. 93,271,450 doses were applied (second dose or single dose), which corresponds to 43.72% of the population.

Those who took the first dose and were partially immunized are 147,317,233.which represents 69.06% of the population.

Boost potion applied in 1,043,794 people, equivalent to 0.49% of the population.

Addition of the first, second, single dose and supporting dose, 241632477 doses have been administered since the start of vaccination.

Data from the consortium of press vehicles released at 20:00 this Saturday (2)

From yesterday to today, the first dose was applied to 27,764 people, the second dose to 715936, the single dose to 536, and the booster dose to 70,362 doses, a total of 1,064,598 doses were applied.

The states with the highest proportion of the immunized population (with a second or single dose) are Mato Grosso do Sul (57.85%), São Paulo (57.85%), Rio Grande do Sul (49.94%), Paraná (46.28%) and Espírito Santo ( 45.16%).

Among those whose residents have been partially vaccinated are São Paulo (79.2%), Rio Grande do Sul (71.96%), Federal District (71.43%), Santa Catarina (70.82%), Paraná (70.32%).

Survey is the result of a Media Consortium Partnership, formed by st 1and “O Globo”, “Extra”, “O Estado de S.Paulo”, “Folha de S.Paulo” and UOL. The vaccination data began to be monitored from January 21.

  • Total number of partially vaccinated people (who received only one of the necessary doses): 147317233 (69.06% of the population)
  • Total fully immunized people (who received two doses or one dose): 93,271.450 (43.72% of the population).
  • Total applied doses: 241,632,477 (84.6% of doses distributed to states)
  • 23 states and the DF released new data: DF, GO, MA, MS, PA, PR, RJ, RR, SC, ES, PI, PB, SP, RO, AP, BA, AM, SE, PE, RS, TO, AL, MT, RN
  • 3 states did not release new data: AC, CE, MG
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Total vaccinated, according to governments, and Percentage of the state’s population:

State vaccination – Photo: Arte / g1

  • AC – first dose: 528,618 (58.29%); 2nd dose + 1 dose: 282,486 (31.15%); Activating dose: 0
  • AL-1ª dose: 2,078,122 (61.75%); 2ª dose + 1 dose: 1,157,173 (34.38%); Activating dose: 3512
  • AM – 1st dose: 2,535,101 (59.37%); 2nd dose + 1 dose: 1,530.744 (35.85%); Boost Dose: 5678
  • AP – first dose: 462550 (52.71%); 2nd dose + 1 dose: 205.528 (23.42%); Boost Dose: 569
  • BA – first dose: 9836837 (65.64%); 2ª dose + 1 dose: 5620196 (37.5%); Boost Dose: 70829
  • EC – first dose: 6201932 (67.12%); 2ª Potion + Nika Potion: 3,810.048 (41.23%); Boost Potion: 111
  • DF – first dose: 2,210,255 (71.43%); 2nd dose + 1 dose: 1,271,660 (41.1%); Activating dose: 10677
  • ES – 1ª Potion: 2875451 (69.99%); 2ª dose + 1 dose: 1,855,268 (45.16%); Boost Dose: 98241
  • GO – first dose: 4,785,206 (66.4%); 2nd dose + 1 dose: 2717413 (37.71%); Activating dose: 0
  • MA – first dose: 4.064.621 (56.82%); 2nd dose + 1 dose: 2,435,550 (34.05%); Activating dose: 0
  • MG – 1st dose: 14827563 (69.25%); 2nd dose + 1 dose: 8494401 (39.67%); Activating dose: 0
  • MS – 1st dose: 1917457 (67.54%); 2nd dose + 1 dose: 1,642,578 (57.85%); Activated dose: 178011
  • MT – first dose: 2,243,735 (62.9%); 2nd dose + 1 dose: 1,269,840 (35.6%); Activating dose: 5860
  • PA – 1st dose: 4,468,304 (50.91%); 2nd dose + 1 dose: 2844154 (32.4%); Activating dose: 0
  • PB – first dose: 2,757,810 (67.93%); 2nd dose + 1 dose: 1,454,699 (35.83%); Boost Dose: 18312
  • PE dose – 1ª: 6,445,527 (66.62%); 2ª dose + 1 dose: 3651,419 (37.74%); Activating dose: 28750
  • PI – first dose: 2,076,586 (63.13%); 2nd dose + 1 dose: 1,091.139 (33.17%); Boost Dose: 779
  • PR – first dose: 8155,753 (70.32%); 2nd dose + 1 dose: 5,366,863 (46.28%); Activating dose: 0
  • RJ – 1st dose: 12.006.622 (68.75%); 2nd dose + 1 dose: 7,115,691 (40.75%); Activating dose: 0
  • Note: first dose 2,397,479 (67.33%); 2nd dose + 1 dose: 1,454,431 (40.84%); Activating dose: 8084
  • RO – 1st dose: 1,130,530 (62.28%); 2nd dose + 1 dose: 621,478 (34.24%); Boost Dose: 7220
  • RR – first dose: 331729 (50.82%); 2nd dose + 1 dose: 147,283 (22.56%); Activating dose: 0
  • RS – first dose: 8251490 (71.96%); 2nd dose + 1 dose: 5726527 (49.94%); Boost Dose: 88154
  • SC – first dose: 5,196,771 (70.82%); 2nd dose + 1 dose: 3,074,886 (41.9%); Activating dose: 0
  • SE – first dose: 1,604,634 (68.62%); 2nd dose + 1 dose: 915196 (39.14%); Boost Dose: 9419
  • L.S. – 1st dose: 36947369 (79.2%); 2nd dose + 1 dose: 26987383 (57.85%); Activated dose: 502188
  • TO – first dose: 979181 (60.92%); 2nd dose + 1 dose: 527416 (32.81%); Boost Dose: 7400
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How many doses each state received as of October 2

  • AC: 1.015.363
  • AL: 4.357.435.357.435
  • AM: 5,243,890
  • AP: 1.068.380
  • Bibliotheca Alexandrina: 20.319.553.2007
  • European Commission: 12,454.748.264
  • DF: 4.254.836
  • IS: 6021.350
  • Take off: 9,492.950.000
  • MA: 7,058,628
  • MLG: 29.451.624.00
  • MS: 4.043.020
  • MT: 4.688.781
  • PA: 10.637.095
  • PB: 4,639,900
  • PE: 12.710.000
  • PI: 4.117.130
  • PR: 16346.290
  • Royal Jordanian: 20,510,601.7
  • Rn: 4.850,730
  • RO: 2.039.088
  • RR: 798.198.40
  • Republika Srpska: 16,673,256
  • SC: 10.57.794.005
  • SE: 2995750
  • SP: 67,803,835
  • To: 2.006.340
  • Information on priority populations and doses is available from the Ministry of Health.
  • Population estimates are from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE).

The Press Vehicle Association was formed in June 2020in response to the President’s decision Jair Bolsonaro Who, at the time, restricted access to data about the pandemic. The bulletins currently report the number of people who have died from the coronavirus, the number of infected and the moving average, which is an indicator by which to check cases where the novel coronavirus pandemic is increasing, decreasing or stabilizing.