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How to permanently remove voicemail notification on Android and iPhone

How to permanently remove voicemail notification on Android and iPhone

Despite fading into oblivion, voicemail is still a feature that keeps working by default cell phone Android and also on iPhones. All it takes is a call to voicemail to trigger an alert located at the top of notifications.

The good news is that deactivating this type of alert is simple and fast, just a few clicks and that’s it. Since the notification is often triggered by mistake, when a contact forgets to turn off their phone after a voicemail warning, for example, check out our guide below on how to get rid of the problem for good.

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Remove Voicemail Notification on iPhone

If you are an iPhone user, just follow these steps:

1. Open Settings first and then tap on the Phone option

2. Then tap on “Notifications”.

Remove Voicemail Notification on iPhone
On the iPhone, it is possible in a few clicks to turn off the voicemail alert once and for all. Photo: reproduction

3. On the next screen, uncheck the “Warnings” option.

Disable Voicemail Alert on Android

On Android, the steps may differ slightly depending on the system version and device manufacturer. Action tested on Android 11.

1. Open the device settings by clicking on the gear icon.

2. Then go to “Apps & notifications” > “Application info”.

3. Find the “Phone” app in the list.

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4. Now, access the “Notifications” option

Disable Voicemail Alert on Android
On Android, using the information in the Phone app, it is possible to disable voicemail notifications. Photo: reproduction

5. The last step is to disable the “Voicemail” button.

ready! Now you know how to remove the voicemail notification that keeps popping up from time to time in the notification center.

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