February 7, 2025

The Catholic Transcript

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Latin American leaders congratulate Gustavo Petro on his victory in Colombia’s presidential elections |  Globalism

Latin American leaders congratulate Gustavo Petro on his victory in Colombia’s presidential elections | Globalism

Senator and ex-fighter Gustavo Petro was elected as the left’s first president Colombia It provoked immediate reactions among Latin American leaders, especially those who shared the same ideological orientation.

Brazil’s President, Jair Bolsonaro (PL), has yet to declare himself, but his opponent and former president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (PT), congratulated Petro shortly after the result on Sunday (19).

See the main demonstrations, as well as those of the head of diplomacy of the European Union (EU) and the leader of the Venezuelan opposition.

Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, former President of Brazil

“I heartily congratulate comrades Petrogustavo, FranciaMarquezM and all the Colombian people on the important victory in Sunday’s elections. I wish Petro success in his government. His victory strengthens democracy and the progressive forces in Latin America.”

Nicolas Maduro, President of Venezuela

I congratulate Gustavo Petro and Francia Márquez on the historic victory in the presidential election in Colombia. The will of the Colombian people who left to defend the path of democracy and peace was heard. New times are approaching this brotherly country.”

Henrique Capriles, leader of the opposition in Venezuela

“Today, June 19, Colombians voted for peace and reaffirmed their democracy. In just over an hour, the result was known. Colombia 2 million (one million) Venezuelans live. We hope that the new president will govern them respectfully and without exclusion.”

Juan Guaido, self-proclaimed interim president of Venezuela and recognized as such by more than 50 countries

Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, President of Mexico

Gustavo Petro’s victory is historic. Colombia He was stubborn and tough. The writer José Maria Vargas Villa stated that the dictatorships of his country “dipped their dagger in holy water before the murder”.

Gabriel Borek, President of Chile

“I just spoke with Petrogustavo to congratulate him on his victory over the presidency Colombia Together with FranciaMarquezM. Joy to Latin America! We will work together to unite our continent in the challenges of a rapidly changing world. Let’s go!”

Alberto Fernandez, President of Argentina

“I am filled with joy at the victory of Petrogustavo and FranciaMarquezM that ended the electoral process in Colombia. I have just conveyed my congratulations to the President-elect for the trust the people have placed in him. His victory establishes democracy and secures the way for an integrated Latin America at this time that requires from us the utmost solidarity among brotherly peoples.

Miguel Diaz-Canel, President of Cuba

“I express my fraternal greetings to Gustavo Petro, Petrogustavo, on his election as President of the Colombia In a historic popular victory. We reaffirm our desire to move forward in the development of bilateral relations for the well-being of our peoples.”

Luis Ars, President of Bolivia

“Congratulations to the Colombian people! Congratulations to Brother Petrogustavo and Sister FranciaMarquezM on their election victory today. Latin American integration has been strengthened. We join the celebration of Colombians. Jallalla #Colombia.” Galala is a Quechua word meaning joy.

Pedro Castillo, President of Peru

Daniel Ortega, President of Nicaragua, and his wife, Rosario Murillo, Vice President

“With all due respect and much affection to your people, we salute your electoral victory today, June 19. We wish the best to the families of this sister country (…) in Caribbean America, as we continue to advance our history as our peoples expect and deserve.”

Guillermo Laso, President of Ecuador

“I congratulate petrogustavo by phone on his election as president of our sister republic Colombiaand reiterated our government’s readiness to enhance friendship and cooperation, and to prioritize the development and integration of our peoples.”

Josep Borrell, Head of EU Diplomacy

“I congratulate Petrogustavo on his election as the next President of Colombia. Colombia A major partner of the European Union. We count on the European Union to continue to strengthen our relations.”