July 27, 2024

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Nos EUA, Google’s jujie que archive mayor part of antitrust

Nos EUA, Google’s jujie que archive mayor part of antitrust

Google has created a network of archives and archives of um aio antitruste movida por noros-americanos. Photo: Getty Images.

  • Nos Estados Unidos, o Google solicitou a um juiz federal que archive a mayor part uma ao antitruste movida por divassos estados;

  • O norto-americanos acusam a big tech abusar da dominance mercado no setter publicized online;

  • Contact us, a companion afirma who are the newest and most favorable of ours.

O Google, the multinational subsidiary of Alphabet Inc., is one of the leading juices in the world (21) who archives the Mysterious parcel of our antitrust movida polo texas and outro estates norte-americanos. Estes acusam a companion abusar da dominance mercado no setor da publicity online.

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Em contrabartida, a bigtech se defend afirmando que os estos nãm têm provas forts sobre uma ivegalidade cometida junta on Facebook combat ‘header bid’, technologia desnvolvida por editors to my faturamento com public.

Os estos norte-americanos acum or Google de usar menos três programs for manipulative leielis ani ancios, de forma a cogir anunciantes et editors u boskador.

Mesmo com diversas queixas, a companion afirma which is now your base realist. Des Modo, a big tech pediatric quatro das acusaes fossem julgadas como improcedentes, or seja, which we possess servemento trazidas a tribunal.

Search the Texas continent for your most recent reviews on Google’s Contact Google, suspense in September.

As informed by Reuters.

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