February 12, 2025

The Catholic Transcript

Complete News World

Putin was able to get America exactly where he wanted it;  Read Article – International

Putin was able to get America exactly where he wanted it; Read Article – International

“George, you have to understand that Ukraine is not a country.” These are the words Vladimir Putin To the President George W.. Bush In Bucharest, at the top Otton, In 2008. He was furious. NATO had announced that Ukraine e Georgia Accepted in the agreement — an explicit promise, but no specific deadline. I was an intelligence officer at the time and warned that Putin would see it as provocative. But the warnings were in vain. Four months later, Russia invaded Georgia – and Ukraine withdrew from NATO membership. But in 2014, the Ukrainians wanted to sign an agreement with the European Union Moscow struck again. Kiev has been accused of trying to enter NATO through the back door The Russians annexed Crimea And fought in the Donbass region of eastern Ukraine.

Quiet reactions excited Putin. Now, his goal is bigger – he wants to get out United States Gives Europe. After more than two decades of analysis of Putin, it becomes clear that his actions are intentional. He wants to give the United States the same medicine that the United States should swallow after Russia’s collapse Soviet Union. Putin believes that Americans are in a similar situation: weakened at home and abroad.

Ukraine is a target of Russia and a source of US influence. In recent months, Putin has been president Joe Biden On the defensive: it moved troops to the border, started war games and exacerbated the crisis. He assured that Ukraine and other former Soviet republics would never become members of NATO and that their forces would be withdrawn from the occupied territories after 1997.

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Russia has raised the possibility of sending missiles to Cuba and Venezuela

For weeks, Americans have been trying to understand these demands. Russia not only challenged the US position in Europe, but also raised questions about the country’s bases in Japan and its role in the Pacific. Moscow pointed out that it is possible Sending missiles For Cuba e Venezuela, Recovering from the missile crisis of the 1960s.

Putin is a master of coercion. He creates the crisis to win no matter what others do. Threats and promises are one and the same. He could invade Ukraine, leave things as they are, or consolidate territory he already controls in the Crimea. He could cause trouble in Japan and send missiles to Cuba depending on what is happening in Europe.

The United States is where Putin wanted to be. Unlike Pita, he does not have to worry about elections, his party, the opposition, the press or the reactions of opinion polls. He does what he wants, when he wants. Aside from health issues, the United States has had to deal with it for years.

Action is needed to recover from the current crisis, not the reaction. The United States must design a diplomatic response and dictate its terms. You have to show that Putin will face opposition and danger. Contrary to the notion that Ukraine is “not a real country”, it has been a member of the UN since 1991. The Russian offensive will challenge the international community and affect arrangements to secure state sovereignty over Iraq after World War II. Invasion of Kuwait in 1990.

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America needs to move on with this matter United Nations And place it in front of you Public meeting It Security advice. Despite Russia blocking a resolution, Ukraine’s future deserves a global response. The United States should return to other regional companies. Why is Russia trying to take its controversies to Europe? Asia And America? What does Ukraine have to do with Japan, Cuba and Venezuela?

Biden promised Russia Occupying Ukraine will “pay a high price”. If there is no punishment, this attack will set a precedent for other countries. The right answer must be to form a united front with the support of European allies and the international community. Otherwise, the series would mark the end of the US military presence in Europe.

* Former US intelligence analyst specializing in Russia