February 10, 2025

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The deadline to explain the sale ends on Thursday

The deadline to explain the sale ends on Thursday

A 30-day period for Amil owners to explain to the ANS (National Agency for Complementary Health) the 30-day period expired on Thursday (17) to sell their individual health plans. The group wants to pass its operator APS (Personal Healthcare) to other entrepreneurs responsible for individual and family Amil agreements, but ANS suspended the deal, asking for more information. Amil and APS currently belong to the UHG (United Health Group).

ANS 23 sent a question about the agreement and warned that it would charge R$100,000 per day in case of delay. According to APS, the agent sent the documents on Tuesday (15). Emil says she has no news.

interrogated by UOLThe agency did not say how long it would take to review the documents and what the next steps would be if responses were insufficient. The National Security Agency said the operation was being conducted in secrecy. “It will not be possible, until the analysis is completed, to provide further details on the matter at this time,” he said in a note.

Individual plans have slight modifications

Negotiations have been suspended since February 8, after the Afghan National Army Driving change suspension (See the date below). While the regulatory agency examines the papers, clients of APS Continue to be serviced by the operator.

Experts interviewed for the report believe that the United Health Group has Take care to get rid of this wallet quickly Because individual health plans are less profitable. Annual adjustments are regulated by the ANS. Group plans are not subject to this limitation and may be modified without restrictions.

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source of hearing UOL Those familiar with the process, but asked not to be named, said that all health workers and future partners responded to technical and bureaucratic questions.

‘Documents in hands ANS, And the process is going according to plan,” the source says.

According to this source, the regulatory agency’s investigation was objective and aimed at understanding the relationship between Agent, APS and future owners in this transition.

understand the situation

The APS In January of this year, he took over the portfolio of individual and family plans Emil, after the NSA approved the change. APS and Amil are currently part of the same business group.

This transition was accompanied by complaints from users, such as difficulty in Treating serious diseases And the loss of accredited hospitals and laboratories. The ANS website received more than 2,700 cash records in January alone, according to Folha de S.Paulo.

Before taking over the management of the Amil portfolio, APS had about 11 thousand customers.

At the beginning of February, ANS 23 raised doubts that justified its decision to temporarily cut off entry to entrepreneurs. It demanded, for example, documents proving the content of the transactions that led to the signing of the contract between the worker and the partners.

It also requested that information be sent to prove the financial capacity of the entrepreneurs who intend to take over this portfolio, and a description of the services that APS offers today and those that may be performed by third parties, among others.

On February 16, amid growing complaints from users, Amil executives attended a meeting with ANS and submitted a report. Business plan for clients currently served by APS.

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Partner says work is viable

in conversation with UOLAnd the Henning von Koss, one of the executives involved in the negotiations, he says eventual approval of the deal will be beneficial to the niche of the individual plans. The APS portfolio consists of 337,000 clients, mainly middle-aged and elderly.

He points out that operators give priority to labor agreements, which are more profitable and whose modifications are not subject to ANS.

“We will show the market that the individual plan is viable. It is very easy to leave it alone and put it as the ‘ugly duckling’. We believe in [individual] As long as there is a company dedicated to it.”

Even with ANS confirmation, the UHG He said in a note that there was no news on the case.

Von Koss, who has been a director of companies in this sector such as Unimed, Hapvida and Amil itself, is part of a two-company partnership. They: FGord Capital, an investment manager founded by a Serbian businessman Nicola luke, And the severin & Coelho, which invests in private health and owns the Life Plus network of hospitals and clinics.

In the capital formation proposal, fjord And the severin & Coelho each share 45% and iPhone Koss guarantee 10% slice. The agreement provides for a contribution of R$ 2.34 billion from Emil at APS.

The CEO says clients only remember plans when they have a health issue, and he ensures it wouldn’t be if he was responsible for those lives. It promises service based on three pillars: dedication, focus and exclusivity. “Our customers will be positively surprised.”

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