apparently, Confinement can also end a relationship. from MC Gui. After “strange movement” under the quilt aline, in a “farm 13“, Pia Michele I decided to send some hints Twitter. The dancer that already After the events of the last partyIt proved to be very frustrating.

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This Monday (6), aline NS MC Gui The topic became again due to an alleged movement of the comforter in the headquarters room. Cameras captured the moment and spread on Twitter.
They appear in the headquarters room, near the sofa Rico Melquiades. The three speak normally, but at different times the cameras focus on the said pedestrians. If there really was a “warmer” movement in the comforter, we don’t know, but the scene had a lot of ramifications.
Aline and Mc Gui share the same blanket on the sofa in the living room. #farm
– CentralReaIity December 6, 2021
after this episode, Pia Michele, who was already annoyed that the two were getting close during the last gig of ‘farm 13“, Use Twitter brag. “We do everything for the other, donate ourselves entirely to get this,” the influencer said, without giving much detail.
“This is life. Ups and downs, loves and disappointments. And everything that can be to the best of us, I choose to be stronger and stronger when life disappoints me,” he said.
However, Pia Michele She also said that recent events speak for other people more than herself. “I look at myself and see just how wonderful and wonderful I am. How much I have done, I will and will always do for the ones I love. Nothing is my fault, nothing,” he concluded.
We do everything for each other, donate all to get this
– Bia Michele (@biamiichelle) December 6, 2021
that’s life!
Ups and downs, loves, disappointments…
And everything can be to the best of us, I choose to be stronger and stronger when life disappoints me– Bia Michele (@biamiichelle) December 6, 2021
I look at myself and just see how cool and wonderful I am!
How much I have done, done and will always do everything for the one I love
Nothing is my fault nothing– Bia Michele (@biamiichelle) December 6, 2021
And then, the relationship MC Gui will be over afterfarm 13“?
VOTE: What’s your favorite pawn to win in “Farm 13”?
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“Social media pioneer. Pop culture expert. Very humble internet enthusiast. Author.”
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