February 7, 2025

The Catholic Transcript

Complete News World

The military project plans to retain power until 2035 and the end of the bonus in SUS in 2025

The military project plans to retain power until 2035 and the end of the bonus in SUS in 2025

Dear Reader,

There was a time when the military ruled the country and celebrated their achievements with music. I love you Brazil. old man success The Incredibles She sounded again at a ceremony in Brasilia, and was performed by the commotion of the Cavalry Regiment of the Guard. It was May 19. Bôas and Sagres villas and their Federalista institutes The Nation Project, Brazil 2035 At an event attended by Vice President Hamilton Muraw.

Vice President Hamilton Muraw attended the launch event.
Vice President Hamilton Muraw attended the launch event. take photo: Adriano Machado/Reuters

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Under the idea of ​​”giving a better Brazil to our children and grandchildren,” the military and civilians involved in the work put together a 93-page document. The project was coordinated by General Luis Eduardo Rocha Paivathe former president of the group Terror never again (Trnuma), the colonel’s NGO Carlos Alberto Brillhant Ustra. Rocha Paiva said the study was “non-partisan, open and flexible.” It defines the scenario in which the dominance of Bolsonaro is expected in Brazil until 2035.

The general says the study is open to all – Morao and a government representative attended the ceremony and received a copy of it. “Even if there is a change of government. Of course, if you move from right to left, you will throw it away.” The document deals with 37 strategic topics. It deals with geopolitics, national governance, development, science and technology, education, health, and national defense and security. The Amazon was mentioned in the topic of national defense in the chapter Amazon integration in Brazil.

The project says so The nation is threatened by “globalization”. The document says: “The so-called globalization, an internationalist movement whose objective is to define, direct and control relations between nations and among citizens themselves, through attitudes, attitudes, interventions and assumptions of an authoritarian character, but socially disguised is correct and required. At the heart of this movement is the global financial elite, which is A non-state actor consisting of large investors, banks, transnational conglomerates and other representatives of super-capitalism, with extraordinary financial and economic resources.”

to Eduardo Villas Bo, Mourao, Rocha Paiva and Co., globalization has powerful allies in Brazil. The document states: “Globalization has another, more complex aspect, which can be described as the ‘judicial activity of political parties’, as it is part of the eliminatefrom Public Ministry and gives public defense Working under an exclusively ideological perspective, reinterpreting and attacking the existing legal framework, starting with the Brazilian Constitution.” The ideology of the far-right is present in other parts of the project.

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President Jair Bolsonaro speaks with former army chief, General Eduardo Villas Boa, on Army Day (April 19) in Brasilia.
President Jair Bolsonaro speaks with former army chief, General Eduardo Villas Boa, on Army Day (April 19) in Brasilia. take photo: Adriano Machado/Reuters

The document states that the middle class must pay tuition fees in public universities and in Service at SUS. The collection process should begin in 2025. “Furthermore, from 2025, the public authority will begin to charge compensation for services rendered, exclusively from people whose family income was more than three minimum wages.” Mourao and his friends forever – another song from the concert – intend to end the free and global health of Bolsonaro’s second term.

at Education, the group also shows the desire to limit academic debate and professorship freedomguaranteed by the constitution, imposing their worldview on students and teachers. The project summarizes the following scenario for the year 2035: “The school curriculum has been stripped of ideology and today consists of advanced theoretical and practical content, including in the social sphere, which promotes moral, ethical and civic values ​​and contributes to progressive progress.” Emergence of positive and transformative leaders.

It is up to the military to tell us what “de-ideology” is. The one with the best explanation will be given a position for life in the Ministry of Future Truth. The document is ongoing. Generals think classrooms are dominated by leftists. “For some time, a part of our children and adolescents has suffered from the ideology of the educational system, with the categorical indoctrination of hard-line teachers of utopian and radical ideological currents, to the detriment of the quality of education.”

Either you don’t know what is happening in schools in Brazil or what you want is to impose your own ideology, Control of history and national memory As the totalitarian regimes of the right or the left usually do. The document explains this diagnosis about higher education: “As for higher education, the picture was not very different. Large sections of higher education institutions – mainly public – became centers of ideological struggle and partisan political indoctrination. “

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He continues, “In the classroom, not much has been done in terms of imparting contents, teaching the student to think, directing research around different intellectual currents, showing how to make the best analyzes, and searching for the most appropriate life-choices—favorable, according to the beliefs and convictions of each student.” Something so that the student has to think exactly as the teacher thought, or else he won’t be able to graduate and he won’t be accepted by the group either.”

General Luis Eduardo Rocha Paiva, Project Nation Coordinator
General Luis Eduardo Rocha Paiva, Project Nation Coordinator take photo: Dida Sampaio / Estadao

For Mourão and Villas Bôas, everything will change in 2035. “In university education, including the Technocentre, political and ideological debates have become balanced, with openness to different intellectual currents,” the document says. How this can be done without violating university autonomy, academic freedom and freedom of thought is again unclear. Whoever asks for explanations runs the risk of being accused of being a communist or of offending the armed forces.

Whenever faced with their actions, the military embarked on a government Jair Bolsonaro The response is to hide behind the curtain of the armed forces. They try to make a supposed individual complaint a collective crime. Thus, they do not take responsibility for what they do as if they are acting on behalf of their peers. Without being judged, they progress with moral amnesia. Hanna Arendt I dealt with this fallacy in Responsibility and Judgment With the now classic formula: “When everyone is to blame, no one is.”

It’s just completely personal fault while responsibility is not. The first refers to action, not intentions and possibilities. Anyone who says “we are all to blame” declares solidarity with the guilty or intends to protect, despite their fault, by those who feel responsible for the actions of their group, family, or nation. In short, whoever uses the screen of the enterprise or government wants to mobilize collective responsibilitywhich are only removed when we leave a group individually.

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But in a republic it is the people who are judged and held accountable for their actions. Thus, the Bolsonaro government is also responsible for the project of Villas Bôas and Rocha Paiva, but only their authors can be blamed for the project. The noise the document caused in the presidential election campaign. After all, it would be hard to explain to the inflationary poor middle class that they will have to pay for SUS and public university when they can see a doctor or their son gets a place after studying hard.

Hanna Arendt in her New York apartment in 1972.
Hanna Arendt in her New York apartment in 1972. take photo: Tyrone Dukes/The New York Times

Morao will have to tell the international financial markets what it means to be considered an enemy. or how to pacify the nation when the image of Brazil to be created is one of democracy without alternation of power, Imposing a development model on the Amazon that treats it on the basis of the concept of occupation and integrationfrom the 1970s – The document states that “restrictions on indigenous and environmental legislation, which have proven to be drastic in areas attractive to agribusiness and mining”, should be removed.

Rosha Paiva believes that “the will is power.” I needed to read Arendt to know how much freedom depends on teamwork and not on will. Usually, only authoritarian politicians believe in willpower. Talking about neutralizing – in military language – ideologies to impose one’s ideologies, called “conservative evolutionists”, reminds us of the question that Journalist Rolf Koontz set off in stadium About the government: “Is there any difference between supposed economic liberalism and actual social Darwinism?”

Michel Tamer was in bridge to the futureThe plan directed by the government. Bolsonaro and his army now have – in the words of anthropologist Piero Lerner – a “bridge to the past”. All on the sound I love you Brazil.