February 8, 2025

The Catholic Transcript

Complete News World

U.S. agencies provide $ 670 million for world food after the Ukraine war

U.S. agencies provide $ 670 million for world food after the Ukraine war

U.S. agencies provide $ 670 million for world food after the Ukraine war

Houses were destroyed in Lukashenko during the Russian invasion of Ukraine

By Leah Douglas

(Reuters) – The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the US Agency for International Development (USAID) on Wednesday announced a joint $ 700 million contribution to international food relief efforts in the wake of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

The money will be used for emergency food operations in Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan and Yemen. $ 282 million will come from the Bill Emerson Humanitarian Fund (BEHT), which is co-operated by agencies.

The agency said the USDA would provide an additional $ 388 million for transportation and other expenses.

“The unprovoked war on Ukraine, a major agricultural exporter, is increasing food and energy costs for people around the world,” US Secretary of Agriculture Tom Wilsock said in a statement.

In March, members of the Senate Hunger Group called on the USDA and Usaid to use BEHT funding, which has not been done since 2014. After the World Food Program predicted that there would be a severe situation of famine as a result of disruptions on the planet. Exports from Russia and Ukraine.

Russia and Ukraine together account for a quarter of the world’s wheat exports.

USAID executive Samantha Power said the invasion was leading to a “shocking global food crisis.”

Russia classifies its actions in Ukraine as a “special operation” to disarm the country and protect it from the fascists.

Ukraine and the West claim that the accusation of fascism is baseless and that war is not an act of aggression.

(Report by Leah Douglas)

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