July 27, 2024

The Catholic Transcript

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Actions against Bolsonaro confirmed in 16 countries and 251 Brazilian cities |  Brazil

Actions against Bolsonaro confirmed in 16 countries and 251 Brazilian cities | Brazil


Actions against Bolsonaro have been confirmed in 16 countries and 251 Brazilian cities

Demonstrations against President Jair Bolsonaro (non-partisan)
, scheduled for next Saturday (2), has been confirmed in 16 countries and at least 251 cities in Brazil. According to the information of the organizers of the collective event “Campanha Nacional Fora Bolsonaro”, the expectation is that this will be the biggest appearance against the federal government this year. Information from the portal Yule.

In all, 21 political parties confirmed their presence in law on Saturday. Abbreviations such as PT, PSOL, PSB, PSD, PSDB, PV, PSL, UP, PCB, PSTU, PCO, PCdoB, PDT, PL, Rede, Podemos, Citizenship, Solidarity and Novo will be on the streets to confront the federal government.

Not even a cycle of aggression by supporters of the Partido da Causa Opera (PCO) against the PSDB fighters was sufficient to prevent the Toucan from being present at the demonstration.

Fernando Alfredo, head of the PSDB’s municipal directorate in São Paulo, explains that the party went to “all other business. Our position was to participate in all actions in favor of life and democracy, against the genocidal government of Bolsonaro.”

Raimundo Bonfim, one of the leaders of the law, explains that “the programming shows how mobilization has grown and gained a national proportion. Either we remove the president from office or we will continue to increase unemployment, hunger and poverty. The crisis is getting worse with the excesses of Bolsonaro and his family.”

In São Paulo, the gathering will be held on Avenida Paulista at 1 pm, in front of the MASP – São Paulo Museum of Art. Among the confirmed politicians are former São Paulo mayor Fernando Haddad (PT); Ciro Gomez (PDT) and Guilherme Paulos (PSOL). There is a view that other leaders will go up to the podium and give a speech to the protesters.

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Find out where the business will take place in all the capitals of Brazil

  • Aracaju (SE) – Bar da Draga, Coroa do Meio / Aju – 2:30 pm
  • Belem, Pennsylvania – Sao Bras Market – 8 a.m.
  • Belo Horizonte (MG) – Praça da Liberdade – 3:30 pm
  • Boa Vista (RR) – Civic Center – 9 am
  • Brasilia (DF) – National Museum – 3:30 pm
  • Campo Grande (MS) – Praça do Rádio – 9 am
  • Cuiaba (MT) – Praça Alencastro – 15h
  • Curitiba (PR) – Praça Santos Andrade UFPR – 4 pm
  • Florianópolis (SC) – Largo da Alfândega – 14h
  • Fortaleza (CE) – Praça da Bandeira – 8 am
  • Goiânia (GO) – Praça do Trabalhador – 8 am
  • Joao Pessoa (PB) – Lyceum Paraibano and Braca da Independencia – 9 am
  • Macapá (AP) – Praça da Bandeira – 4 pm
  • Maceo (AL) – Centenario Square – 9 am
  • Manaus (AM) – Praça da Saudade – 15h
  • Natal (RN) – Halfway – 15 hours
  • Palmas (TO) – Avenida JK – 8:30
  • Porto Alegre (RS) – Largo Gleneo Perez – 14 hours
  • Porto Velho (RO) – Praça das 3 Caixas D’Água – 15h
  • Recife (PE) – Derby Square – 10 am
  • Rio Branco (AC) – Gameleira – 4 pm
  • Rio de Janeiro (RJ) – Candelaria to Cinelandia – 10 am
  • Salvador (BA) – Campo Grande – 9 am
  • São Luis (MA) – Deodoro Square – 8 am
  • Teresina (PI) – Praça Rio Branco – 9 a.m.
  • Vitoria (Spain) – UFES – 14 hours