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Dictoc has beaten YouTube by the average viewing time in the United States

Dictoc has beaten YouTube by the average viewing time in the United States

Tic Tac Toe surpassed Web light Average views per user in the US and UK. This result shows the strength of creating short videos, life and social content, mainly aimed at entertainment. This information was released by Mobile Market Analyst App Annie on Monday (6) It also reveals the importance of Twitch and Instagram in this motivation.

YouTube still dominates the total time and entertainment segment devoted to social, communications, photo and video applications, but, on average, per person, Dictok 9% stands on the higher edge. In the United Kingdom this distinction is very significant: the prevalence of short videos is almost 64% higher than that of long videos, according to data – in Queen Elizabeth’s land, the Chinese have outnumbered the Americans since May 2020.

TicTac and YouTube switch within average US viewing time (Image: Playback / App Annie)

In the United States, this difference is disputed inch by inch, with the first monthly change since August last year. The average time spent on the data collected by App Annie is based solely on the consumption of Android users, so it does not need to reflect the reality of the market.

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Spending on utilities

When it comes to spending money on the platform, YouTube tops the list in the first half of 2021. Google Leads in streaming, social, photo and video, and breadth of audience engagement – the survey shows how life has spurred screen-time growth on sites.

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Last year, Dictac had global costs, but by 2021 it had overtaken YouTube (Image: Playback / App Annie)

According to the analysis of the consultation, this result may still be skewed towards dictation, as the chart reveals an upward trend in short videos in the coming years. This data comes at the right moment to establish itself as a world leader in the Chinese app market, both on Android and iOS devices in terms of downloads.

The United States and the United Kingdom are highlighted in this type of survey because they are the two main speakers of the English language in the world, which has the most content on major social platforms. The Portuguese have a very small population and production materials, so analyzes generally do not consider it appropriate.

Controversy over short videos

In recent months, the trend has continued Instagram In competition with Dictoc, it created a short video format called YouTube Shorts. Not only does the site have a huge user base as its trump card, the company also announced a quota of approx. R $ 5.1 million to monetize and reward exclusive content creators.

In response, Dictoc increased the maximum video time limit from 30 seconds to three minutes – the network is already analyzing Extend this period to five. Monitor the audience of competitors in the live section Copied Chinese platform resources The two shared lives, like channel moderators and generating polls to increase engagement.

Source: App Annie

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