February 9, 2025

The Catholic Transcript

Complete News World

High incidence of respiratory diseases, especially among children |  National Magazine

High incidence of respiratory diseases, especially among children | National Magazine

The hypothermia had a clear side effect on the healthcare system: High record of respiratory disease, especially among children.

It’s time for a change for Miguel to start coughing and nasal congestion. The mother thought it best to take her son to the hospital right away.

“Coughing a lot, and it gets worse, right? Because of the cold, that stuff. He has a lot of respiratory symptoms,” says Luisa Ortega.

This was the routine for many parents. Sara de Jesus Souza said her daughter almost didn’t leave the house last year and didn’t get sick. this year, Melissa, who was born during the epidemic, began to go to nursery school. Then respiratory problems began to appear.

“She has a cough and is vomiting. She can’t swallow, I think her throat is inflamed. And in nurseries, there are a lot of children with flu too,” he highlights.

Infectologist Renato Kfoury, head of the immunization sector at the Brazilian Society of Pediatrics, explains that it is common in the fall to increase the incidence of respiratory diseases in children. What, This year, other factors contributed to the escalation of cases.

“Removing and using a mask and not attending school has hampered the circulation of these viruses. And those children who were born from 2019 onwards – never exposed to viruses, in contact with low contamination rates – now, back to activities, back to school, are getting infected more often. Rarely have we seen an autumn with so many respiratory ailments this time,” he explains.

In Minas Gerais, at the Joao Paulo II Children’s Hospital, a reference in pediatrics in the state, This year alone – between January and April – the number of visits to children with symptoms of respiratory illness increased by about 145% compared to the same period in 2021.

“Our health system is already overburdened, the emergency room with a long queue. Therefore, we avoid bringing light tyres. The vast majority of children have a flu-like syndrome. Then, Coughing, runny nose, sneezing, mild fever, is not a reason to come to the emergency room. If we have some warning signs, a face-to-face evaluation is recommended. Namely: fever persistent for more than five days, respiratory effort, prostration or excessive drowsiness, refusal of fluids and mouth. These are signs that we are paying more attention, says Daniela Otoni, a pediatric infectious disease specialist at the hospital.

Crowded hospitals are frequent all over Brazil. In the first four months of the year, according to data from Ministry of Healthhe was there 30% increase in hospital admissions for children up to 5 years of age for severe acute respiratory syndrome compared to the same period last year.

Mariana Fortunato Malta thought it was just the flu, but her four-month-old daughter was hospitalized for two weeks with bronchiolitis.

“Mothers want their children together. And then, knowing that she was hospitalized, we worry, but we also know that she needs care, there is no way. So, for her, being hospitalized here and getting care is much better than staying at home,” as you say.

In the emergency room, where chest pain and heart disease are usually patients’ main complaints, the profiles of those seeking care here have changed in the past week. Now, respiratory illnesses crowded the waiting room.

Doctors at a private hospital in Sao Paulo I started noticing a An increase in the number of cases of influenza syndromes in March, when they saw an average of 13 patients with these symptoms. In April, there were 24, and in May 45.

Hcor medical supervisor Gabriel Dalla Costa explains that among these patients, the number of confirmed cases Corona virus disease.

“Perhaps the reduced use of masks is the main reason for the increase in these cases, and we can also make conclusions for sub-variables and omicron variables, for example, in addition to the seasonal problem – because seasonality, cold, makes people live more closely together in closed environments – they can also They are elements that cause an increase in the number of cases,” he says.

City Hall numbers show that in other public and private hospitals in Sao Paulo Influenza cases have also increased. In total , It went from 16K in March to 23K now in May.

The numbers are also low for the flu vaccine. according to Ministry of HealthAnd Less than 40% of the public has already been vaccinated.

Dr. Rosemiri Morrissey, from the Brazilian Society of Pulmonology, says Covid has taught everyone to protect themselves from respiratory illnesses.

“The fact that you were vaccinated in the previous year does not make you immune to influenza the following year. Therefore, the vaccination should be done annually. This will definitely reduce the incidence of respiratory infections. However, the use of the vaccine is very important. Therefore, we cannot forget about the influenza vaccine. And also a Covid vaccine boost for those who haven’t yet done so,” he points out.