July 27, 2024

The Catholic Transcript

Complete News World

How are the benefits evaluated for 2022?

How are the benefits evaluated for 2022?

The National Social Security Institute guarantees various benefits to workers. A person who has been a victim of an accident or has fallen ill, is also protected by autonomy.

Temporary Disability Pension is a benefit targeted at workers who are temporarily unable to carry out their work activities. The period of incapacity shall not be less than 15 consecutive days.

Provision Claim Requirements

  • Guaranteed quality
  • grace period (12 contributions, one per month);
  • Inability to perform work activities for more than fifteen days.

It is important to emphasize that the insured must prove his condition through medical examinations, consultations and reports. The benefit will only be granted after the worker has passed the INSS medical examination.

2022 interest payment schedule

Benefits up to minimum wage

last December / 21 January FEV March April may be June July Ago Puts Outside Nov ten
1 23 / December 25 January February 21 25 / March 25 / April May 25 June 24 25 / July 25 / since 26 / set 25 / out November 24 23 / December
2 December 27 January 26 February 22 March 28 26 / April 26 May 27 / john 26 / July 26 / since 27 / set 26 / out November 25 26 / December
3 December 28 January 27 February 23 March 29 April 27 May 27 28 / June 27 / July 29 / since 28 / set 27 / out November 28 December 27
4 December 29 January 28 February 24 30 / March 28 / April May 30 29 / June 28 / July 30 / before 29 / set 28 / out November 29 December 28
5 30 / December January 31 February 25 March 31 April 29 May 31 30 / john 29 / July 31 / since 30 / set 31 / out November 30 December 29
6 03 / January 01 / February 03 / March 01 / April 02 / May 01 / June 01 / July 01 / before 01 / set 03 / out 01 / November 01 / December 02 / January
7 04 / January 02 / February 04 / March 04 / April May 3 02 / June 04 / July 02 / since 02 / set 04 / out 03 / November 02 / December 03 / January
8 05 / January 03 / February 07 / March 05 / April May 4 03 / June 05 / July 03 / before 05 / set 05 / out 04 / November 05 / December 04 / January
9 06 / January 04 / h 08 / March 06 / April May 5 06 / June 06 / July 04 / before 06 / set 06 / out 07 / november 06 / December 05 / January
0 07 / January 07 / February 09 / March 07 / April May 6 07 / June 07 / July 05 / since 08 / set 07 / out 08 / November 07 / December 06 / January

Benefits above minimum wage

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last December / 21 January FEV March April may be June July Ago Puts Outside Nov ten
1 AH 6 03 / January 01 / February 03 / March 01 / April 02 / May 01 / June 01 / July 01 / before 01 / set 03 / out 01 / November 01 / December 02 / January
2 AH 7 04 / January 02 / February 04 / March 04 / April May 3 02 / June 04 / July 02 / since 02 / set 04 / out 03 / November 02 / December 03 / January
3 AH 8 05 / January 03 / February 07 / March 05 / April May 4 03 / June 05 / July 03 / before 05 / set 05 / out 04 / November 05 / December 04 / January
4 AH 9 06 / January 04 / h 08 / March 06 / April May 5 06 / June 06 / July 04 / before 06 / set 06 / out 07 / november 06 / December 05 / January
5 AH 0 07 / January 07 / February 09 / March 07 / April May 6 07 / June 07 / July 05 / since 08 / set 07 / out 08 / November 07 / December 06 / January

It should be noted that the calendar for those who receive the basic salary begins on January 25 and ends on February 7. Payments to recipients who earn above minimum wage begin on February 1 and end on February 7.

Additional advice from Journal Kontable: Understand and implement INSS procedures to enjoy social security benefits.

Have you ever thought you know all about INSS, from leave of absence to applying for retirement, and the best part, it’s all in Just a weekend? alternative fast and efficient and the cycle INSS IN PRACTICE:

It’s a cycle quickly, Although the full NS Hinge Everything you need to know Mastering the rules of INSSThe procedures and rules for how we collect information and apply for benefits for you or anyone in need.

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do not waste time, click here And master everything about INSS.