February 7, 2025

The Catholic Transcript

Complete News World

Juma joins Alcides to avenge the deaths caused by Tenório TV News

Juma joins Alcides to avenge the deaths caused by Tenório TV News

Friday Marwa (Alanis Jilin) will discover that Tenório (Murilo Benício) was responsible for ordering the murders of his family members in wet land. ladies (Giuliano Cazzari) is the one who will tell his boss to a Jaguar girl, and the two will team up to get revenge on the snatcher at Globo’s 9 AM Opera.

In the following chapters of bruno luberi gamethe public will know the secret of the foreman’s father jota (Julia Dalavi). The pawn wants revenge on the villain because his family was one of several who fell in the strikes of the land of thieves, as well as Gil (Enrique Diaz) and Maria Marua (Juliana Paes).

The followers will search for the protagonist to warn her about him seedlings (Bella Campos) and she will tell her whole story. “I said I came from Sarandë, Fri… from the land where he is Come your parents… I He will ask the man from Parana. Upon confirmation, he will confess to the young woman that he is the son of the man who murdered her brother Francisco (Tulio Starling), and will talk about Tenorio.

“That’s what it is, Fri: Earth Demon! Come here Back Muna revenge So Mardito here I discovered what or what on one It’s only my father’s death that he has in his life coast. Your brother, your father … until the death of your mother, from U.S . method else it is in coast So Mardito“, would say.

in the first moment, Friday She will be angry with Alcides, but she will be convinced that the villain is largely responsible for the tragedy. She will remember that her mother has already spoken about the squatters and will join the pawn for revenge.

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Written by Benedito Ruy Barbosa, the telenovela Pantanal was introduced in 1990 by the extinct Manchete (1983-1999). Globo edition has been modified by Bruno Luperi, grandson of the author.

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