February 17, 2025

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Knockout City becomes free and EA loses publishing role – 02/24/2022

Knockout City becomes free and EA loses publishing role – 02/24/2022

This one hurts more than a ball in the face! Multiplayer dodgeball performance Knockout Cityreleased in May, does not have to be well, because the developer Vaillant Studios Today (25) it announced that it will take over from June 1. And the first change would be to make it free.

However, the and the Leaves the role of the publisher.

“We couldn’t have brought Knockout City to the world without the incredible support from EA Originals, but now that we’ve transitioned to a free-to-play model, the natural next step is to take on publishing responsibilities and work closer to the community,” the studio stated in a post on the game’s blog.

“We are really excited to introduce our game to millions of new players around the world once the price tag is completely removed.”

The downside to this change is that there will be an adjustment period. Season 5, which begins March 1, will contain less content. This will be the first time that the game does not get a new Battle Pass, a new map, or a new ball. There will also be fewer cosmetics and item packs.

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