February 14, 2025

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Learn about the 10.6 million who can withdraw 23.5 billion Brazilian Real

Learn about the 10.6 million who can withdraw 23.5 billion Brazilian Real

Caixa Econômica Federal reports that about 10.6 million Brazilians have yet to recover more than the 23.5 billion Rls they are entitled to. The deadline for withdrawing this jackpot referring to PIS / Pasep . Fund Shares It runs until June 1, 2025.

Read more: All about the new FGTS raffle: who receives it, appreciates it, how it will work and more

Money is the right of employees who worked on an official contract between 1971 and October 4, 1988. Only citizens registered with the fund PIS / Pasep Those who have not yet withdrawn the balance from their individual sharing accounts can request income.

Withdrawals are available at Caixa ATMs, Caixa Aqui Correspondents and Sweepstakes, using the Citizen Card. Those who do not have the card should look for a branch of the State Bank. In the event of the shareholder’s death, his heirs are entitled to redemption.

“Forgotten” sources of funds

In addition to the stakes of PIS / Pasep, he owns millions of people Receivables in other sources. Meet four of them:

1. Salary allowance

More than R$280.5 million in PIS/Pasep salary allowances were not withdrawn by 320,000 workers in 2020. Those who did not request the funds will have a new opportunity to do so as of March 31. To consult, access the Digital Work Card app and call 158

2. Amounts receivable from banks

The central bank launched a the system To see “forgotten” values ​​by individuals and legal entities in financial institutions. Simply go to the website valorareceber.bcb.gov.br and enter the required data. Fund transfer requests will be approved from March 7.

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3. FGTS Withdrawal

Millions of formal workers have been suspended in their FGTS accounts. Money is released not only in case of dismissal without just cause, but also in cases of public disasters, serious illnesses, when a citizen has been unemployed for more than three years, among other possibilities.

4. Income tax refund

Many taxpayers may also have forgotten about the IR return. When there is an error processing a file ReplyThe citizen receives a message that the values ​​are “available for rescheduling”. The solution is to contact Banco do Brasil to receive the funds.