The medical team of the Regional Hospital de Registro (SP) in the intensive care unit reported on Wednesday (11/5) noon The state of health of Joao Vitor Moreira Soares, better known as ConradoAnd Tragedy survivor That claimed the lives of Alexandro and five other people from his team.
sertanejo shows “clinical and laboratory improvement, he was extubated at about 7 pm yesterday (5/10) clear and breathing spontaneously. The release says that the condition is stable”, which also confirms that no new surgical intervention is needed in the past 24 hours.
Konrad and AlexandruInstagram / Play
Burial and awakening of singer Alexandro, the Conrado duodisclosure
Alexandro died on Saturday (5/7) in a traffic accidentPhoto: Instagram / Play
Firefighters rescued the victimsFire Department in Sao Paulo
The product released only the burial sites of other victims.Photo: Instagram / Play
Musicians hear the final show “Amazing Night”Instagram
The duo’s presentation marked the first day of the event in the interior of ParanáInstagram
Burial and awakening of singer Alexandro, the Conrado duodisclosure
Anna Moraes Tribute to AlexandruPlay / Instagram
“Patient Julio Cesar Begoli Lopez remains hospitalized in a critical condition in the intensive care unit of the Regional Registry Hospital. Today (05/11) he underwent surgery on his left femur, which was calm,” he continues the observation.
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