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The National Statistics Institute releases the income tax report for 2022;  Learn Consultation – 02/18/2022 – Market

The National Statistics Institute releases the income tax report for 2022; Learn Consultation – 02/18/2022 – Market

Pensioners, retirees and other INSS (National Institute for Social Security) document holders can now refer to the income report to file their 2022 income tax year 2021, among other rules. (look here).

Consultation can be done via computer or cell phone at My INSS . portal. For this, you must have a password to access the gov.br system. However, there is another way to check the data without requiring a password: in extractir.inss.gov.br . website. For this, the insured must have data such as the benefits number, among others.

To make the query, access the website and enter all the benefits data, such as the benefit number, date of birth, beneficiary’s full name and CPF number. Then go to “I am a human” and then to “Query”.

At the top, it should say “Calendar year 2021”. This is because the ad delivered in 2022 is based on last year. However, on this same site, it is also possible to obtain the document from previous years. Just enter the date on the main page. If you want, the retiree can print the document. To do this, go to the bottom of the page and click “Print”.

See the step-by-step guide to query My INSS

  • Go to the My INSS app or website and click on “Entrar com gov.br”.
  • Report to CPF and go to “Continue”; On the next page, enter your password and click “Login”
  • In the line “Other services”, click on “+ see more”
  • Go to Income Tax Statement where there is a lion in blue
  • The “calendar year” should be 2021; Click on the due number and the document will open
  • The amounts received will be reported in line “3 – taxable income, deductions and withholding tax” or in line “4 – exempt and non-taxable income”
  • To save to computer or mobile, go to the bottom of the screen and click “Download PDF”

How is income tax declared 2022

An online IR announcement is sent annually between the beginning of March and the end of April. The rules, start and end dates for the document submission deadline, will remain issued by Federal Revenue. Taxpayers should pay attention to those who oblige them to declare, because it is not only financial. However, those who are obligated to give an account cannot leave anything out.

The INSS Income Report should also be used by retirees and retirees who will report their children and grandchildren as dependents. The owner will have to report all income received by the dependent, as well as assets and rights, such as checking accounts and financial investments.

The IR simulates whether or not it is worth reporting income dependents. This can increase the tax due or reduce the amount refunded. Anyone who reports a dependent and does not declare their income falls into a fine net.

Pensioners over the age of 65 have a tax exemption from the month of birth. In this case, if the insured is really dependent on the carrier, then it is worth informing him in the declaration.

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