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Adriana, Brenda and Mosonzinho reached the final.  Poll · TV news

Adriana, Brenda and Mosonzinho reached the final. Poll · TV news

Adriana Ribeiro, Albert Bressan, Brenda Paixao, Matthew Sampaio, Caroline Menezes and Mosonzinho qualified for the tournament final Brazil Power Couple 6. Winners will be determined on Thursday (14) during the live program. Who do you want to win the reality show in Record? Vote in the poll at the end of this text.

The finalists were determined in different ways. Adriana and Albert won first place After winning the last couples experience. Brenda, Matthews, Carol and Mosonzinho are rescued from Elimination in the Dominican Republic vs Luana Andrade and Joao Haddad.

While going through the confinement program, the three couples stood out to not swallow any kind of insult. Brenda and Matthews had a fierce rivalry with Carroll and Mosonzinho, and on several occasions the fights almost ended in aggression.

Adriana and Albert also had a rift with some of the confined and closed alliance with Brenda and Matthews. However, as happened with Karol, Mussunzinho, Eliza Fagundes, and Hadballa, Adryana and her boyfriend start having problems with their allies at the final stage of the game – abandoning the partnership.

After eliminating Luana and Haddad, Adrien Galisto officially announced the names of the three finalists. “Congratulations! I’m so happy. You made history on Power Couple,” the presenter announced.


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Who should win in Power Couple Brasil 6?

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