July 27, 2024

The Catholic Transcript

Complete News World

Governments of European countries enact restrictions due to the advancement of omicron |  National newspaper

Governments of European countries enact restrictions due to the advancement of omicron | National newspaper

Many European governments have enacted restrictions due to Da Omicron. a Concern about the new format has led to the postponement of one of the world’s major political events: World Economic Forum Davos, employment Switzerland, which always occurs at the beginning of the year. Now it will be in the middle of next year.

a Switzerland Also announce, this Monday (20), Restrictions on non-vaccinators. Bars and restaurants, for example, will only allow those who can prove they have been vaccinated. in a DutchAnd This Monday (20) was the first working day of the new lockdown announced by the government. It is a real close. Shops, restaurants, bars, theaters, cinemas and museums are closed.

it’s the The Dutch government has ruled that people can only receive two guests At home – except for Christmas, when the limit is four people.

Germany announced restrictions on arrivals from some countries during the weekend, such as France and Denmark. But the strictest measures are for those who leave United kingdom. Only those who hold German citizenship or reside in the country can enter. However, you have to quarantine for two weeks.

Covid cases in United kingdomthe Record numbers have been set consecutively. On the other hand, those who have stimulant doses also. More than half of people over 12 have already received a booster dose. This moment is an alarm bell, but vaccines are doing their job. Even deaths are declining.

But the authorities understand the inconvenience of infecting so many of those infected: it overburdens the health system. Actions have already been taken, and new constraints remain on the radar. The problem is that the conservative government doesn’t go there with a lot of morals. A picture of relaxation at the British government summit in May last year was the news today there.

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At that time, only open meetings between two people and in isolation were allowed. The authorities argued that a business meeting was possible, but there was no laptop on the table, no paper, or nothing. There was a bottle of wine.

“Is it a normal government business meeting about cheese and wine, PM?” asked a reporter.

Boris Johnson confined himself to saying that in the workplace they are talking about work.

The bad old ‘do as I say but not as I do’ rattles the British government at another delicate moment in the pandemic.