February 7, 2025

The Catholic Transcript

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How is “forgotten” money transferred from the central bank system?

How is “forgotten” money transferred from the central bank system?

Millions of individuals and legal entities have already consulted the new central bank system to verify the existence of Receivables in financial institutions. What many want to know now is how to make a file money transfer ‘forgotten’.

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According to the Financial Authority, a refund request will be available from March 7, on an intermittent basis. After ordering, the bank has up to 12 business days to deposit funds.

Step by step money transfer

Check how to request a refund:

  • access to the website valorareceber.bcb.gov.br;
  • Enter your CPF and date of birth or CNPJ and company opening date;
  • write the date that will appear on the screen (if there are amounts that will be received);
  • Return to the site on the correct day and log in through the gov.br portal (Silver or Gold level required);
  • Confirm that you have read the terms of use, click “I am not a robot” and press Continue.

a escalation The redemption request will take into account the date of birth or establishment of the company. If the user misses the date, he can access the system on the day of the summary. Check the schedule:

Returns will be via Pix, DOC (Document of Credit) or TED (Electronic Transfer Available). Redemptions via Pix will be free, while other options will have “adjusted between organization and recipient” values.

On the matter, the Brazilian Confederation of Banks (Vibraban) stated in a note that “there will be no fees” in the process.