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“Is she 16 or 18 cm?”  TV news

“Is she 16 or 18 cm?” TV news

Vinicius Fernandez Surprised Eliezer Netto with an intimate question BBB 22. In the early hours of Sunday morning (20), cearense wondered how big a confinement mate’s penis was. “It’s 16 or 18 cm and something, isn’t it?” Brother fired.

The conversation took place while the other participants enjoyed the weekend party. The two allies alone had an unusual conversation.

“It’s 16 or 18 cm and something, isn’t it?” asked Vinny. Then Eliezer replied in the affirmative, and continued, “You said you saw my soft penis….” “I saw you when you were changing,” the law graduate explained.

Another time, the two brothers revealed that they plan to live together after leaving the Globo reality show. “I’m walking around the house naked,” warned Natalia Diodato of the Natalia Diodato case. “I don’t have any nonsense about it. I don’t walk around naked, but if you want to [pode]. You will pay the rent,” Fernandez continued.

Brunna Gonçalves was listening to the conversation of her colleagues, but she confirmed that she did not care about the topic. “After a little Ludmila cancels me,” Eli joked, referring to the dancer’s wife.


This isn’t the first time Elle has commented about the size of his penis for Vyni. A few weeks ago, cearense got down on the feet of a colleague for not wearing underwear in confinement, and was surprised by a response more than honest. “I don’t even have a turkey for that,” the designer said.

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Vinny suggested to his brother that he put the microphone in front of his swimming trunks to disguise the body part, just as Rodrigo does. “He walks like that because he’s already more disguised. He’s small. Not in that sense. He got what I meant,” he aimed.

“I’m in bad shape, all of Brazil knows that I have a small penis. not. The commercial director is back, he’s asleep. But I’m not that big, no. Have you ever seen a normal Brazilian penis? “

“I have a lot more to do than research the average penis size in my life. It’s not a topic that I wake up to and want to know about,” Vinícius defended. “Missed mine. It’s miserable. Look here,” said the Rio de Janeiro native.

Learn all about BBB 22 with the podcast O Brasil Tá Vendo

Listen to “#67 – Is it Possible to Have a BBB Without Humiliation?” on Spreaker.

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