February 10, 2025

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Check Payment Schedule

Check Payment Schedule

Estimated reading time: 3 Minutes

The IRS began paying income tax refunds on May 31. Transfers are divided into five groups. However, two taxpayers have already been released. So there are three pieces left.

According to revenue, about 7.63 million Brazilians were covered in just the first two payments.

Income tax refund calendar for 2022

The refund schedule follows the schedule below:

  • Batch 1 – May 31
  • Batch 2 – June 30
  • 3rd batch – July 29
  • Fourth Batch – August 31
  • Fifth batch – 30 September

Payments are made in accordance with the legal priority, which consists of the elderly, retired and retired persons, people with disabilities and teachers. In addition to the remaining pieces, which include taxpayers who fell into the micro-net in previous announcements, but who actually settled Assad’s accounts.

Now the vouchers will be paid according to the date of the income tax return. Therefore, whoever declares oldest gets first.

How to check the refund amount?

To check if a refund is available, the taxpayer must follow these steps:

  • arrive to Federal Revenue Website;
  • inform the CPF and date of birth;
  • Click “My Income Tax”; And the
  • Click Check Refund.


Payment is made directly to the bank account mentioned on the income tax return. This year, taxpayers will be able to receive their refund via Pix. However, the credit In this class, it will only execute for a Pix key equal to the CPF of the ad’s owner. Spam key, email or phone will not be accepted.

If, for some reason, the credit is not implemented, the amount will be available for redemption for up to one year at Bank of Brazil.

In this case, to reschedule credit amounts, simply access BB . portal Or call the Bank Relationship Center at 4004-0001 for capitals, 0800-729-0001 for other locations or 0800-729-0088, a private phone line exclusively for people with hearing impairments.

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